Articles & Op-eds

Time to Be Transparent about Fannie and Freddie Upfront Risk Fees

December 8, 2016

Data show homeownership has become out of reach for many and that reducing or eliminating upfront fees is overdue.

2017: An Opportunity to Coordinate America’s Housing Policy

December 1, 2016

The outcome of the historic 2016 election means that one party will control all three branches of government starting in 2017, which presents a unique opportunity to examine the underpinnings of the housing finance system and establish a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to housing policy, rather than just tinkering around the edges of the mortgage finance industry.

Op-ed: GSEs need greater taxpayer protection upfront

October 20, 2016

Eight years after taxpayers provided them with $187 billion, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two of the largest backers of mortgages, remain under government control. While these government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) are healthier today thanks to new safeguards that have improved the stability of the mortgage finance system, the goal is to put the GSEs on a stable footing for the long term.

Private Mortgage Insurers Make Their Mark on the Industry

March 31, 2016

Private mortgage insurance companies, although few in number, play an important role in the housing finance system by creating sustainable homeownership for borrowers and taking on GSE credit risk. Lindsey Johnson, President and Executive Director of U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) … Continued

Recap: Polling Finds Majority Supports Using Private Capital to Reliably Reduce GSE Taxpayer Risks

February 16, 2016

(February 16, 2016) Last week saw more activity demonstrating the value of private Mortgage Insurance as a reliable way to enhance access to mortgage credit for consumers and protect taxpayers against housing losses, particularly through greater front end risk sharing by the GSEs

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